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I am a mom of two little girls. The eldest is six years old and the youngest is four. I am a wife, and a Stay At Home Mom. We live in the Free State in South Africa but we move quite a lot. Previously we have lived in the UK and Zimbabwe, and in various places within each country. Whilst I can be a bit of in introvert when at home, those who get to know me and more about me will find that my home is loud, crazy, and never exactly tidy. I tend to shout and scream as much as the girls do - #badmom I know! My favourite TV shows are Grey's Anatomy and The Big Bang Theory. After the girls are in bed, and when I'm not busy blogging I can usually be found watching one of these with a glass of wine in hand. I absolutely love travelling and am always looking for the next roadtrip or adventure to experience with my husband and girls.
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