
Charles Mwangi Waituru

Kenya based anti-poverty activist

Charles Mwangi Waituru has been VSO’s regional post-2015 advisor for Africa since November 2014. He's an established figure in the post-2015 process as co-chair to the global Beyond 2015 coalition since 2011 and as an IDS Participate focal point. In this role he helped conduct participatory research with children living with disability.

He became Director of the Seed Institute in 2012 which promotes sustainable human development for people living in poverty. This positioned him to become a co-chair of the Global Call for Action on Poverty (GCAP) global council and serve as the GCAP national coordinator in Kenya.

For three years prior, Mwangi was leading the innovative Talking Gardens program that uses crop production in the school garden as a springboard to improved curriculum delivery, improved retention rates and better school-community relations in Migori county.

In January 2015 Mwangi was part of the stakeholder steering committee for both the UN’s Intergovernmental negotiations and the Civil Society preparatory forum at the UN. He delivered a speech and was on the drafting committee which produced the first civil society declaration sent to member states entering into negotiations.

Mwangi is completing his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Education Management Policy at Kenyatta University

2013- ‘Lessons from the implementation of MDGs in Kenya: Options for a post 2015 framework’. The Institute of Development Studies at University of Sussex UK published this journal article. It provides useful policy and practice insights in the area of poverty eradication.

2012- ‘Joining the Dots: people’s perspectives for a post MDGs agenda.’ The online article published by ODI provides a synthesis of lessons learnt from poverty hearings on what the want in a development policy framework post 2015

2012-‘Give the people access to means of livelihood.’ Tblog published by participate, a project of IDS. It is a synthesis of what civil society organizations presented to the High Level Panel Of Eminent persons appointed by the UN secretary general to advise him on the post 2015 development framework.