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I love to learn and am fascinated by movement, pain and the nervous system. I have learned to overcome the suffering of my own pain with movement - both vigorous and slow - education about pain and the nervous system, self-awareness and mindset. I've spent over 20 years of my adult life teaching; first in schools, then in community centres, exercise studios and therapy rooms. I never stop learning and passing on the nuggets I pick up along then way. I'm all about the biopsychosocial approach to recovery and health. I'm a Somatic Educator, which teaches that the person in front of you is a soma - a thinking, feeling, moving, responding, adapting and changing process - not a lump of meat to impose upon from the outside. A soma in pain can learn to improve function and self-regulate through his/her own agency. I live in Loughborough where I offer classes, workshops and 1:1 coaching/pain & movement education/therapeutic touch for pain relief, better movement, relaxation, stress management, damping down the symptoms of anxiety and enabling somas to get back to activities they love. You can find me at