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Chris Vick is the director of Black, which was established in 2007 as a niche communications consultancy specializing in reputation management, providing a set of strategic communications service to public and private sector institutions as well as to political and business leaders. Vick is an experienced media strategist with extensive experience in political and public communication, particularly in issues management, crisis communication and stakeholder management. His CV combines experience as a journalist, media activist, public sector communicator, media executive and government advisor. Vick understands both the media economy and the political economy and has extensive experience in public sector lobbying and communication. He also has solid relationships with key individuals in the media, government and business space. He has also served three terms in the South African Government: • As Communications Director for Gauteng Premier Tokyo Sexwale, responsible for management of the province’s reputation [1994-1997]. • As Chief Director in the Government Communication and Information System [GCIS], situated in the Presidency, [1998-2000]. • As Special Advisor to Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale, responsible for management of the Minister’s reputation and relations with Parliament, Cabinet and other stakeholders including organizations representing the homeless, the financial sector and the construction industry [2009-2011].