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CEO, Kidscape
I am a passionate advocate for young people with a particular interest in tackling bullying in all its forms. After joining Kidscape in 2001, I created and managed a range of professional courses for a variety of audiences. This was in addition to working directly with children through tailor-made interventions covering topics such as anti-bullying strategies, behaviour management, peer counselling and mediation skills.
Following the retirement of Kidscape's founder Michele Elliott in 2009, I was appointed as director and after a restructuring of the charity in 2013, took up the position of chief executive officer.
In this capacity I lead Kidscape to embrace numerous challenges including the further development of highly effective interventions aimed at supporting children and young people affected by bullying and emotional and physical abuse. She strives to help secure the funding needed to continue Kidscape's vital work, and to set in motion ongoing staff development to enable the charity to meet the changing needs of its client groups.
My great interest in psychology led me to obtain degrees from Sussex and Aberdeen Universities and complete many rewarding years in the Child Guidance service providing support to primary and secondary schools in Scotland. In addition I was seconded to Aberdeen University to lecture in Personal and Social Development and Psychology as part of the B.Ed and PGCE programmes.
I am a member of the British Psychological Society and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.