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Dale Murray started her career at Pricewaterhouse Coopers then subsequently joined the founding team of Vodafone New Zealand and took the company through commercial launch. Dale relocated to the UK and after a stint at media giant Pearson and while studying for her MBA from London Business School, co-founded the mobile phone top-up company Omega Logic. Within 3 years she had built top-up transactions to £88m (generating annual revenue of £7m) and led a partial-exit to Eposs Ltd. She then became Eposs’s CEO, sold the group to First Data Corporation, and within another 3 years built top-ups to £450m (annual revenue of £25m).
Dale is now an early-stage investor and was awarded British Angel Investor of the Year in 2011.
She is also a Non-Executive Director for the British Government's Department for BIS and for UK Trade & Investment. You can follow Dale on Twitter @dalejmurray.
Do you have info to share with HuffPost reporters? Here’s how.