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Founder and president of Strategic Coach
Dan Sullivan is founder and president of Strategic Coach, a programme run by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs, that’s designed to help business owners make their 10x possibilities a reality.
Dan has over 35 years’ experience as a highly regarded speaker, consultant, strategic planner, and coach to entrepreneurial individuals and groups, and has personally worked with more than 6,000 entrepreneurs, helping them to reach their full potential in both their business and personal lives.
Over the past 20 years, more than 15,000 entrepreneurs from over 60 industries have been through the Strategic Coach programme, which has offices in Manchester, Toronto and Chicago, with the quarterly UK workshops taking place in central London.
These workshops give business owners the chance to get away from the business for a day and into an entrepreneurial peer-to-peer learning environment. It also provides a practical framework of questions, processes, tools and strategies, with an ongoing support network to help entrepreneurs do more of what they love, and scale their business without the stress that normally goes hand in hand with growth.
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