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I write, and sometimes people read it and like it. Or not.
Mid 40's and fabulous (ish) Lifestyle, Opinion, Quirk, Beauty and all the rest of it - Wearing makeup since before the Internet™ and growing old disgracefully.
I've created my blog to bring together people in the prime of their lives (think ripe...not old!) and share my hints, tips and advice on beauty, travel, fashion, living & loving. If you're young you're welcome to come along for the ride too.
What's different? There's a level of quirk and variety you'll find here that I haven't seen anywhere else. Probably because there's only one of me (thank goodness!) Have a read of my blog articles and browse the galleries to get a taste of what I'm about, it might be just your cup of tea. I celebrate irreverence so if you're looking for a standard beauty & lifestyle blog, this isn't it.
I am a huge fan of young people (I used to be one myself) but THIS is especially for the mature among us (in years but not necessarily in behaviour!)
Love Darcey