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I cover most areas of politics. I also have a particular interest in elections and voting systems
I'm a graduate of the University of Hull - where I gained a degree in Computer Science with Business Information Engineering. Shortly after that I also became a full member of the British Computer Society.
Even though I have a background in computers, I have a deep and long-standing interest in politics. This began when I was a small child, but it developed at a much faster pace around the time that I was the Vice-President (Academic Representation) at Hull University Union (for 2006/2007).
Since then, I have broadened my knowledge to include most areas of politics. However, I consider some of my specialities and specific interests to be:
Elections and voting systems
House of Lords reform
Local Government in England
The Scottish Parliament
Higher Education and student politics
I have a blog on my website (, which frequently covers everything mentioned above and more. My Twitter account (@LifeDownloaded) is also regularly updated.