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Award-winning journalist, Chevening Human Rights Scholar and Head of Media at Plan International
Davinder Kumar is an award-winning development journalist and Head of Media for the global child rights organisation Plan International. He has worked with leading media organisations in South Asia and the UK and has extensive experience of reporting on development issues across Africa, Asia and the Americas. He was short-listed for The Guardian International Development Journalism Award in 2009.
Davinder is also a Chevening Human Rights Scholar. He was awarded the scholarship by the British Foreign & Commonwealth office in recognition of his journalistic achievements and for effectively using communication as a tool for change whilst working with renowned media organisations in India like The Indian Express, Outlook and TV Today.
He is an alumnus of the Human Rights Centre, University of Essex where he completed his Masters in Human Rights with special focus on humanitarian law and international development. Davinder also holds a Masters in mass communication.
Davinder is also a former member of Mayor of London’s Migrant and Refugee Advisory Panel. He is actively involved in advocacy and campaign work on rights and development issues and has a keen interest in corporate social responsibility.
The views expressed in his blogs are his own and do not necessarily represent the views of the organisation he works for.
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