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Dom is a social entrepreneur with a background in politics as well as setting up charities and social enterprises. His personal website is here. Dom is passionate about both transforming society and ensuring that finance serves all in society and does good. He is the Co-CEO of Numbers for Good - a pioneering social impact investing organisation. He was born 3 months early, needing extra educational support, making his degree from Newcastle University a significant personal accomplishment. This experience, coupled with having cancer in his early 20s, shapes his passion for enabling people to turn adversity into achievement. . Before setting up Numbers for Good, Dom set up charities and social enterprises, stood for Parliament and was a School Governor. Dom's a contributor on Huffington Post and has appeared on BBC News, ITV and Radio 5 Live. Dom's a World Economic Forum Global Shaper and sat on the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council for Europe between 2012 and 2014. He's a dad and a husband and also sits on the board of Home for Good, a charity working to mobilise thousands of people to foster and adopt vulnerable children.