
Dr. Aaron Balick

Psychotherapist and author of The Psychodynamics of Social Networking: connected-up instantaneous culture and the self

Aaron Balick, PhD, is a psychotherapist, cultural theorist, media consultant, and author of The Psychodynamics of Social Networking: connected-up instantaneous culture and the self. For more than a decade he has been taking psychological findings from the clinic and the University and transforming them into useful concepts that can be applied to individuals, organisations and culture. Aaron is also an active communicator and international speaker, a writer for publications including Wired, BBC Online, and The Guardian; he has been featured as a “twenty-first century” professional in Newsweek Magazine. Aaron is a regular voice on BBC Radio 1 as a psychological expert, and has consulted on a variety of projects that bring psychological and emotional insight to younger people through the media. He has also written a self-help book for children entitled Keep Your Cool, how to deal with life’s worries and stress.

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