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BMA council chair
Dr Mark Porter is the elected BMA council chair and a consultant anaesthetist at the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust.
His special interest is in obstetric anaesthesia and the continual development of maternity services to improve the mother's experience.
In the past he has been a clinical director of his department, and the chair of the medical staff local negotiating committee.
His previous roles in the BMA have included being the chair of the consultants committee from 2009-2012, and its deputy chair responsible for pay and conditions of service from 2006-2009.
He was closely involved in negotiating the 2003 consultant contract, and while he was a junior doctor he was the chair of the BMA junior doctors committee from 1997-1998.
In addition to his work at the BMA, Mark is honorary colonel of 202 (Midlands) Field Hospital, Royal Army Medical Corps.