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General Practitioner
Morven Telling was born in Oxford and her desire to be a doctor began age 12, after watching her first ever episode of Casualty. She studied medicine at Bristol University and graduated in 2003. The next few years were spent working in several Oxford and London hospitals before she completed her vocational GP training in Bath. Following this she worked as a salaried GP in Bristol, married an adventurous glaciologist and had two children. She now works as a locum and out of hours GP in Oxfordshire and Bristol and has a very strong interest in paediatrics, public health and research. She works part-time as a Primary Care Consultant for the Public Health Action Support Team and has contributed to three systematic reviews for the Cochrane Collaboration. She is also very interested in technological advances in healthcare delivery and works on a part-time basis for the Vitality Health GP Service and for babylon – an award winning online health service delivering virtual consultations to both private and NHS patients.
Morven has recently volunteered as a medic at the Calais and Dunkirk refugee camps and was shocked at the appalling conditions that these people survive in and the lack of basic medical aid. She is deeply concerned about the humanitarian crisis that is happening across Europe and is dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of the refugees.