
Dr Niamh Clune

Children's author

I am doing what I love most: writing children's books. As a child, learning new words was a delicious delight. Tasting them roll around my tongue, practicing pronunciation, then trotting them out whenever possible, made me feel very clever indeed. Children of today are no different. They love saying new-really-difficult-to-pronounce words, (useful for spells or superheroes). So, I prefer not to censor broader vocabulary. I believe we should never 'talk down' to shapers-of-the-future but encourage them always to think their best and realise their astonishing potential.

If pushed to blow my own trumpet (better than blowing someone else's and which, will only happen when forced to sell something), I would say I write modern children's classics: content rich with great vocabulary and little gems of wisdom ~ keepsakes to accompany our little cherubs company into adulthood. I hope you and your children will enjoy reading my stories as much as I love writing them.

With love from Dr. Niamh, Ph.D Learning Through The Imagination.

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