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CEO, Survivors Manchester
Duncan is the founder Chief Executive Officer of Survivors Manchester, a Greater Manchester based charity offering support to boys and men directly affected by sexual abuse, sexual exploitation and rape.
As a qualified therapist, he specialises in understanding and treating the impact of sexual trauma, particularly with adult male survivors of childhood sexual abuse; and holds a masters degree (with dist) following research into online support for adult male survivors of CSA.
His experience in the field of sexual violation has been used in a number of roles, including as a founder member of the UK Sexual Violence Forum at the Home Office; involvement in the Stern Review – the first full independent review into rape, led by Baroness Stern; and more recently as part of the Office of the Children’s Commissioner’s inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Groups and Gangs, and the Coffey Report, released in October 2014.
Duncan also consults on a number of projects, including working with male sex workers and young people at risk of sexual exploitation; alongside working with various TV production companies and media outlets, including Crimewatch and more recently, Hollyoaks – where he was storyline consultant on the John Paul rape storyline.
Duncan spent time working within and managing substance misuse services, both on front-line needle exchange and in treatment services; and has also provided his services as a therapist in an NHS setting and in voluntary sector working with people with drug addictions and members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans community.
He is regularly asked to speak at conferences across the UK and facilitates a number of workshops and classes, including Sex and Sexuality at the University of Manchester; Sexual Abuse in a Domestic Violence context; and for over four years now has been a key trainer for Greater Manchester Police, delivering part of the Initial Rape Action course.
As a survivor himself, Duncan is a keen advocate for male survivors and bridging the gap between specialist and mainstream services to ensure all services are equipped to deal with this issue.
Outside of the field of Sexual Violence, Duncan is an Accredited BACP psychotherapist and practices EMDR as part of his private practice. He lives on the outskirts of Manchester with his husband and enjoys the theatre and film.
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