
Dwain Lucktung

Editor, journalist, youth mentor and content and community manager for somewhereto_ and Livity

Dwain Lucktung is a journalist based in London, the former digital content editor of Ctrl.Alt.Shift, and currently a content and community manager for Livity; working specifically on two of their projects - Spinebreakers and somewhereto_. In the past he has freelanced for the likes of RWD, the Guardian, MTV Staying Alive and others. He has also been a part-time mentor for young writers at Interact Magazine, an advisor in the Platforma Arts and Refugees Network London hub, a mentor for Channel 4's Battlefront campaigners, and one of the directors of the Youth-led Media Network. In 2011 he was a London360 blogger for Media Trust's Community Channel, represented as a social reporter at the 2011 London Youth Policy Symposium, and was on the drafting committee representing as a youth delegate at the UNAIDS Youth Summit On HIV in Mali. On his travels, he has provided global and social news reports from the DRCongo to Vancouver. Currently he is a trustee for the Youth Media Agency, and advisor/contributor for SetOff Magazine.

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