
Edie Lush

Edie Lush is the author of How to: Speak with Confidence in Public and works as a journalist and communications coach.

Edie Lush is the author of How to: Speak with Confidence in Public and works as a journalist and communications coach. As a coach, she has helped clients shine in big speeches, promotion panels, interviews, pitches, literary festivals, board meetings, media appearances and TED talks. She is Executive Editor of Hub Culture and regularly interviews CEOs, entrepreneurs and politicians and chairs events around the world. As a journalist, she has worked for Bloomberg TV, the BBC, The Spectator, Prospect, The Week and Spectator Busi¬ness magazines. She has been a political analyst for a hedge fund and a speechwriter for the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, and is a graduate of UCLA and Yale. She lives in London and works in the UK and US.

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