
Edward Falzon

Author, 'Being Gay Is Disgusting' (a biblical parody)

Edward Falzon is the author of the biblical parody Being Gay is Disgusting (or God Likes the Smell of Burning Fat), available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and eBook for Kindle, Nook, iTunes and Kobo.

Further information about Edward's 2012-13 Biblical Morality Tour can be found at

Raised in a Catholic family, Edward Falzon recited the prayers and sang the hymns faithfully and went through his First Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation during his primary-school years.

As an adult, traveling all over the world for business, he met hundreds of people of all manner of faith. Spending most of his time in North America, Europe and Australia, most people were Christians, but with different positions on the Bible, God, Jesus, Mary and the other players in the Christian mythos.

Falzon found it curious that one book can cause this much disagreement over its contents, so he started investigating. While reading the bible himself, he sought out more Christians for their disparate biblical and Christian views and discovered that the vast majority hadn’t even read the Bible. It occurred to him that there can be no discussion, no debate, no analysis of any kind, until people become familiar with the foundations of their own faith.

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