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Genetic Counsellor for Genetic Disorders UK
Emily Clarke is a UK Registered Genetic Counsellor with an MSc in Genetic Counselling and BSc in Genetics from Manchester and Newcastle Universities.
As an employee of Genetic Disorders UK, Emily is heavily involved with Jeans For Genes Day 2017, which is the charity’s annual fundraising campaign to support individuals and families affected by genetic disorders.
Money raised on Jeans for Genes Day funds the work of the charity and provides grants to organisations for projects that aim to transform the lives of children with genetic disorders.
Emily provides specialist information and support to Genetic Disorders UK, where she advises the growing number of people contacting the charity’s helpline services, liaises with healthcare providers, and writes content for the charity’s website.
Having a genetic disorder herself, Emily has real insight in terms of how to counsel those with genetic conditions. She was diagnosed with Retinal Dystrophy at just six years old, which is a genetic disorder that affects the retina in the back of the eyes.
Emily worked in NHS genetic services before moving into the voluntary sector in 2014. She now works as a freelance Genetic Counsellor offering specialist information and support to genetic charities and support organisations.