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Mother of 3, wife to 1, bestie to my Malamute beastie. Child of the 80's. Mostly caught toiling away at my passion: Gecko Clothing.
Well hello. I'm Emma, The Gecko, Mum to three, Bestie to my beastie (Tak the Alaskan Malamute), child of the 80’s and when I grow up I would like to be a rainbow.
I am very passionate about ethical products. By that i mean things that have been made in safe and responsible conditions, by people treated fairly, using safe practices in a way that is safe and respectful to our environment. I’m also fervent in my views on gender equality starting at how we educate and socialise our children.
I founded Gecko Clothing in 2012 with my husband and the help of our beautiful little family who make regular contributions. It’s our mission to create clothes that are of: bright and colourful unisex design, ethical and eco-friendly, practical and hardwearing and that don’t cost the earth.
Other things i love include: being outdoors, living in North Wales it beckons you to come and soak it's beauty, challenging myself in new ways, getting my craft on, eating, Guinness, things full of quirkiness and Angela Lansbury.