
Emma Lindley

Managing Director, Innovate Identity

Emma Lindley MBA is one of the leading experts in electronic identity verification and associated process compliance. With over 14 years’ experience working with technology led identity and compliance systems, she has in-depth knowledge of electronic identity verification (eIDV), anti-money laundering (AML), age verification, digital identity management and ID Assurance schemes.

Emma has been instrumental in furthering the global debate on age and identity verification having worked with the UK Government in 2004 to help shape “best practice” guidelines for age and identity verification. She has worked with regulators throughout Europe including those from Denmark, Gibraltar, Malta, Alderney and the Isle of Man enabling a better understanding of how age and identity verification and regulation can be achieved using the latest technologies and processes.

Emma was previously at GB Group PLC a UK based global identity verification company leading a team
responsible for the development of their global identity verification services through the US, Australia, Canada, Europe and Africa. Emma has worked with regulators globally helping them build best practice for identity verification and over the last 12 months has worked with the Cabinet Office for Gov.UK Verify supporting the development and launch of the UK’s digital identity assurance Scheme.
Emma has an MBA from Manchester Business School and completed her thesis on competitive strategy within the identity market.

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