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The town where I lived as a young child in Bangladesh, was not unlike many others in the country, not much of any infrastructure, a poor school system, no real employment opportunities, and work for people only available in the informal sector. A place where people lived hand to mouth, never sure if there would be food on the table tomorrow. Thus, I witnessed daily the struggle of the people the hopeless fortune everywhere in my neighborhood. I completed my undergraduate studies, and got scholarship to study in a prestigious Masters program in USA. For my family, this was exactly what they wanted from me , they thought that now my future would be secured with a good job and better life working in the formal sector. However after my graduation, I moved back to Bangladesh decided to pursue my dream, help underprivileged people, providing them with health services, education, counseling and other support they would need to get a fair chance at life. This is why I founded, AMAL Foundation. AMAL Foundation is a non-profit organization which focuses on four issues- Health, Education, Empowerment and Emergency Relief. I am one of the social entrepreneurs who has been recognized by GITA global giving, Spark International, Watson University, Jolkona Catalyst etc. My areas of interest are Gender equity and equality, woman empowerment children rights, refugee rights, social business and youth leadership. Besides this, I am a fun loving free spirit who loves to travel, meeting new people, going on adventures, meditate and dance when no one is around.