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Executive Director Edmond de Rothschild Foundation
Firoz Ladak is a Canadian and French citizen. He is a graduate from McGill University and the University of Oxford, where he completed an M. Phil in Oriental studies as an Aga Khan Foundation scholar. He then spent 12 years in investment banking at Paribas and Societe Generale, specialising in project finance and the set up of private-public partnerships in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. He was also involved in privatisation operations, through which he gained a considerable experience in economic development and the management of relations with international organisations and governments.
In 2004, He joined the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations as Executive Director and Board Member. In this current position, he is in charge of designing and implementing all aspects of the Foundations’ strategy and activities worldwide, particularly in education, social entrepreneurship, medical research, cross-cultural dialogue and the arts.
In the current position, he is in charge of the financial management, design and implementation of the Foundations’ strategy and activities worldwide, namely in Educational social entrepreneurship, medical research, cross-cultural dialogue and the Arts.