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Political scientist researching election campaigns in the UK and beyond
Florian holds a D.Phil in Sociology from the University of Oxford. A researcher at the University of Zurich, he conducts randomised field experiments in collaboration with political parties and NGOs to find out
what works in political campaigns. What are the most effective ways of engaging and persuading activists and voters? He is particularly interested in campaign messaging, the social aspects of politics, and the social media.
Florian grew up in a small town in South-West Germany, and became the first in his family to graduate from university. He has since lived and studied in some of the most interesting, diverse and unequal cities in the world: London, Paris, and New York. This experience probably helps to explain why he is passionate about education, opportunity, inequality, and migration. A political junkie, he writes about British, German and US politics.
You can follow him on Twitter @FlorianFoos.