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American, living in Wiltshire, England, whose books include 'The Borgias,' 'The Tudors,' and 'A World Undone: the Story of the Great War.'
G. J. Meyer is the author of five books: "The Memphis Murders," "Executive Blues," "A World Undone," "The Tudors" and "The Borgias." He was a National Merit scholar at St. Louis University, where he studied English literature and graduated with honors, and then attended the University of Minnesota on a Woodrow Wilson fellowship, receiving an M.A. in English. After service as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy he became a journalist, and while writing for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch was awarded a Nieman Fellowship in Journalism by Harvard University. He has taught literature, journalism and composition at Drake University, a community college in St. Louis, Long Island University, Iona College and the Baruch College campus of the City University of New York. He lives with his wife Sandra in the town of Mere in Wiltshire, England.