
Gavin D. J. Harper

Gavin D.J. Harper is a researcher at the ESRC BRASS Centre

Gavin D. J. Harper is a author, clean-tech advocate and science buff.

He is currently a researcher at the ESRC Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society; Cardiff University, and an associate of the Sustainable Places Research Institute.

Described by The Independent as a "whizz-kid on a mission", Harper's work has been cited in sources as widely as Science, MAKE:, The Ecologist and The Inquirer.

Gavin has published a number of books, notable Fuel Cell Projects for the Evil Genius, Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius, Domestic Solar Energy: A Guide For The as well as the co-authored book Run Your Diesel Vehicle on Biofuels. Gavin is a regular contributor to Green Building magazine, and EcoGeek.

He currently holds a Diploma in Design & Innovation, BSc. (Hons) Technology, BEng. (Hons) Engineering, MSc. Architecture: Advanced Environmental & Energy Studies, MSc. Social Science Research Methods (Business & Management) MSc. Renewable Energy Systems Technology and is reading for his Ph.D. at the ESRC Centre for Business Relationships Accountability Sustainability & Society at Cardiff University.

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