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Guy Sheetrit is an accomplished Senior Executive with 14 years of success across the technology, marketing, and software development industries. With extensive experience providing customized SEO marketing solutions for Fortune 500 companies, he is a valuable asset for companies going through a marketing crisis or looking to grow their inbound sales leads. His broad areas of expertise include SEO, social media, internet marketing, B2B, B2C, brand development, online lead generation, reputation management, SaaS, and demand generation. Mr. Sheetrit is currently Founder and CEO of Over The Top SEO
, a leading SEO agency that focuses on generating inbound business leads in the gig economy and digital world. He has been responsible for leading Over the Top to be ranked as one of the top three SEO companies by the New York Times. A game changer in the digital marketing world, Over the Top advises clients from startups to Fortune 500s on search engine marketing, web site traffic growth and UI, organic search rankings, and Pay Per Click revenue. Leveraging a staff with a coding background, he and his crew are well-positioned to help clients increase organic traffic to their websites by providing customized software automation to boost SEO and web traffic. He previously worked as Founder & Inventor for in Israel, a niche site that scans websites for SEO problems to generated a detailed SEO report on areas in need of improvement.