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Pediatrician; author; health journalist; CEO, Pediatrics Now
Gwenn Schurgin O'Keeffe, M.D., F.A.A.P., pediatrician, author, and health journalist is CEO of Pediatrics Now, a health and communications company dedicated to providing reliable information to today’s busy families. The popular parenting website
Pediatrics Now is the cornerstone of Pediatrics Now’s work.
Dr. Gwenn is one of the most highly sought after child health and cyber safety experts seen and heard in the media today, with regular appearances in print, online, radio, TV, and in community and national events as an invited speaker. As a writer and quoted expert, Dr. Gwenn has been featured in USA Today, Reuters, Chicago Sun Times,, iVillage, and MomLogic, among others. Her TV work includes appearances on NECN, FoxNews Boston, ABC News, Nancy Grace, and Good Morning America. She has been an invited speaker to a multitude of groups including local parenting groups, book stores, libraries, the AAP, the National Association of Medical Communicators, and the Family Online Safety Institute. Dr. O’Keeffe also contributes material and advice to a myriad of corporate groups including WebMD, Symantec, Yahoo!, iKeepSafe, and Facebook.
Dr. Gwenn is a Fellow and National Spokeswoman of the American Academy of Pediatrics. As a member of the Executive Committee of the Council on Communications and Media. she’s represented the AAP at the FTC’s Protecting Kids’ Privacy Online: Reviewing The COPPA Rule (June 2010), authored the AAP’s social media parenting tips and the recent clinical report, The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families (April 2011), and speaks often to the media, Nationally and Internationally, on behalf of the AAP about the impact of the digital world on today’s kids.
Dr. Gwenn’s newly released book, CyberSafe (10/1/2010, AAP Publishing), continues her journey to help parents keep their kids safe online. The first of its kind on the market by a media-pediatrician, CyberSafe empower parents to participate with their digital kids and teens by understanding how and why they use the digital world.
Dr. Gwenn lives in a Massachusetts with her husband and very digital teenage daughters who have taught her more about the online world of kids than any study ever could.