
Harriet Creedy

Co-owner of Hattie & Flora Ltd, a bespoke event design company and a Young Ambassador for youth charity The Prince’s Trust

Harriet Creedy is co-owner of Hattie & Flora which is dedicated to bespoke hand-made event design company. They design and realise a range of creative projects for festivals, weddings, exhibitions, large-scale parties and workshops. Hattie & Flora Ltd projects include providing flowers and styling for Channel 4 headquarters in London and styling for Jamie Oliver’s Big Feastival 2012.

Harriet is also a Young Ambassador for youth charity The Prince’s Trust. She was given a low-interest loan and mentoring support by the charity to set up her own business at the age of 23. She had previously worked in administration and HR but with a desire to set up her own floral design business she set about to realising her dream. As a Young Ambassador, Harriet talks at events, and represents The Prince’s Trust, to inspire other young people to seek support and change their lives.

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