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Researcher at UCL's Department of Security and Crime Science
Helen has been conducting high-impact human trafficking research for the past three years. Currently based at the Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, University College London she is due to complete her PhD thesis on improving responses to human trafficking in early 2013. In addition to her focus on child sex trafficking she is well-versed in other forms of internal and international trafficking. Her trafficking expertise covers victim and offender behaviour, investigation and prosecution techniques and strategy planning for prevention, disruption and intervention. Her research is based on real-world, sensitive and hard to reach data involving extensive collaboration with law enforcement, government agencies and the third sector. She is invited to present at national and international conferences and law enforcement training days as well as engaging with the public through TV and radio appearances and writing commentary pieces for the Guardian. Links to her most recent academic publications can be found at: and she tweets from @hbrayley