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Mother to Monty and Ridley and the founder of Little Dish
Hillary set up Little Dish in 2006 with the aim of creating a truly healthy and fresh alternative to home cooking for toddlers and young children. With one in four children obese by the time they start school, the mission of Little Dish is to get more kids eating fresh, healthy food from an early age.
Little Dish meals and filled pasta are made with 100% natural ingredients and are a convenient alternative to home-cooked food.
Hillary develops all the recipes in her own kitchen, with her sons, Monty, 5, and Ridley, 3 acting as Chief Tasters.
In 2010, Hillary wrote her first book, The Little Dish Favourites Cookbook (Hodder & Stoughton), a compilation of her family’s favourite recipes, ranging from simple baby purées to more substantial dishes for the whole family like Lamb Hot Pot and Spanish Tortilla.
Prior to Little Dish, Hillary was Managing Director of iVillage UK, a joint venture with Tesco, and Head of Marketing for Yahoo! Personals in Europe. Before moving to the UK, she was Vice-President of Marketing at, the No. 1 website for women in the US.
In 2009 Hillary was named by the Grocer as one of the top 35 most influential women in grocery. Originally from New York, Hillary, 42, lives in West London with her husband Dean and two sons.
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