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former Tax Accountant and director of successful Swedish property investment fund Evanridge
Evanridge Properties LLP are property and fund managers, specialising in the Swedish property market. Evanridge Properties has introduced a series of funds, to open up the Swedish property market to UK investors.
Current Swedish investments have delivered returns in excess of 12% pa since 2006. Evanridge now has two successful investment programmes in its portfolio (with close to £5 million of shareholder’s equity) and is currently accepting investors for a third.
Evanridge’s current property portfolio is valued at over £28 million, including £10 million invested in their current investment opportunity, Evanridge Sweden 3AB.
Evanridge has a fully employed property management team working in Sweden, which ensures local, proactive management of properties. The investment is suitable for individuals, corporate organisations, self-invested personal pensions (SIPPs) and small self-administered schemes (SSASs). A minimum of £25,000 investment is required.