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James Shillcock - Founder/CEO of Vivid Drinks & Founding Partner of Stories of Being, a new festival exploring mental wellbeing & creativity
James Shillcock (28, London) is the Founder of Vivid.
With a penchant for Matcha, a green tea with super-high levels of L-theanine, James saw a gap in the market for a mainstream Matcha-based drink that would support bright minds and busy brains. He turned away from a career in the city and launched Vivid in 2013, a zero sugar, unsweetened range of drinks containing Matcha – proven to increase mental focus and concentration
by stimulating alpha waves in the brain and providing a natural caffeine boost – as an alternative to traditional energy drinks.
Pioneering the massive Matcha trend sweeping the UK, James is currently leading the fast- growing category of energy drinks for the mind.