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Principal Research Fellow, University of Southampton
Jane has been researching nursing workforce issues since 1990 when she worked for the health team at the Institute for Employment Studies, University of Sussex. Much of her research focuses on the working lives of nurses. From 2000 to 2009 (whilst working with Employment Research) she led a large scale national annual survey of nurses, funded by the RCN, which explored the employment characteristics and views of nurses across the UK.
Other research has focused on workforce planning in healthcare and the dynamics of the nursing workforce, for example undertaking work for the WHO to explore the approaches to planning skill-mix.
Through RN4Cast study (an EU funded project covering 15 countries), and similar studies, she continues to research the nature of the relationship between nurse staffing levels and patient outcomes. RN4Cast looks at how an understanding of these relationships can enhance nurse workforce planning.
In her current role she is supported by funding from NIHR CLAHRC Wessex to study the provision of Fundamental Care in hospitals, and explore the barriers and enablers to effective care delivery.
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