
Jane Johnson

Founder of FEEL Communications, championing flexible working for mums with 10 years' or more experience in PR & Corporate Communications

Over the last 20 years Jane has helped senior leaders at some of the world’s best-known financial institutions communicate change. She began her career in a London PR agency, worked on the restructure of the UK’s largest life insurer, and moved into banking communications in 2007 during the financial crisis. She has worked with ABN AMRO, First National Bank of Nigeria and the Lloyd’s insurance market. Jane is expert at helping organisations to engage with those who influence their success, particularly during times of change. She has advised CEOs during merger and acquisitions, corporate restructure, redundancy programmes, strategic change, organic growth, change in leadership, and regulatory change.

Jane has helped companies all over the world to manage change and improve business results through communications.
Her most recent role was at HSBC as Global Head of Employee Communications, Global Banking & Markets.
As a working mother, Jane founded FEEL Communications in 2016 to negotiate with employers on behalf of women who need to work in a more flexible way. She now runs a growing network of senior Associates who are all highly-experienced consultants working in a flexible way. She passionately believes that the world of work can change, so women don’t have to give up on their careers just because they have a family, but also don’t have to give up seeing their children every day of the week.