
Jean Rafferty

Award-winning journalist, now novelist

Jean Rafferty is an award-winning journalist and non-fiction writer, twice nominated in the UK Press Awards and the author of two books about sport. She has excelled in the fields of travel writing, medical journalism, comment and feature writing.

Her career began with light-hearted articles about footballers' dressing rooms and karate-chopping nuns, but she moved into darker territory with her work on torture, Satanic Ritual Abuse, bereavement and suicide. She has worked for most of the top weekend supplements such as Guardian Weekend and the Sunday Times Magazine as well as daily papers like the Daily Record, the Times and Today.

Her investigative work into the world of Glasgow's street prostitutes won her a prestigious Joseph Rowntree journalist's fellowship in 2003.

Myra, Beyond Saddleworth, which is published by Wild Wolf Publishing, is her first novel. To read more about her work, go to her website,

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