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Reader, writer and soon to be traveller.
I'm an Archaeology and Anthropology undergraduate student at UCL in my final year. I've been on an Archaeological dig, helped with research into the primate collection and been studying extreme sports. I am part of the Lloyds Scholars Programme (@LloydsScholars and have provided some helpful support and opportunities during my time at university. I have had internships both as an Assistant Events Organiser and within the Media Relations team where I was responsible for research, editing and preparing for events. Outside of university I spend my time chilling out with a really good book; This is if I'm not out and about doing sporty things like climbing and running, either on my own or with the @RuN_Camden gang. I do volunteering work for North London Cares (@NLCares and I have done everything from drinking copious amounts of tea with my elderly neighbours at the social clubs to gardening at a neighbours allotment or just helping get my neighbour out of her house for a walk. Additionally, I have lots of fun helping out at my local Junior Parkrun (@hifijnrparkrun) where it is great to see the youngsters getting active and having so much fun doing so.