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Drawing on her extensive experience as a therapist, Jenny writes and speaks about Emotional Health. Her blogs, articles and books are a journey of self-awareness, connecting the intelligence and creative capacity of our mind with emotional knowledge and understanding. She has a unique ability to talk about the complexities of our mind and emotions in a language that is accessible and without jargon. Jenny has worked as a counselor and therapist for over 26 years, having trained in a variety of therapeutic modalities. Through listening to people of all ages, men, women, couples and individuals, each one unique and individual, on their own unique and individual journey, in her experience, she has realized that the core area where the majority of us, herself included, seem to struggle most in our lives is intrinsically connected to our emotions. Our childhood, families, relationships, life events and everyday happenings all leave their mark, and that mark is an emotional one. Our emotions are a powerful, human commodity. They can be our strongest, most supportive ally or they can disable us, leaving us feeling blocked, out of control and in pieces. Jenny believes it is our ability to listen that will help us make informed, empowered choices in our lives. “If we work on the premise that we ourselves are the source of change within our own lives, it becomes clear that we will need to listen to ourselves without fear or judgment. We cannot change our past but we can change our relationship to our past. In doing so, we create change within our present, which changes the shape of our future. Within my own life, I know that my deepening ability to listen to my emotions and consider every emotional state as ‘valuable information’ has created a way of living that, in itself, is life changing.”
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