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Yoga and meditation teacher, co-producer of HereNowNeverNowhere.
Jenny Rees Tonge is producing the film, HereNowNeverNowhere, and runs a life, and a small business, between London and Berlin, working as a yoga and meditation teacher, and also practicing as a journalist for the Evening Standard in London. She has 3 children in the UK, one born whilst she was a student at Oxford, all now fully fledged, and she also acts as a spare parent for her German partner's children in Berlin. This unique combination of life's gifts and opportunities led to her becoming a specialist in balancing and holding the various aspects of an Anglo German relationship between two families, two countries, and now two businesses. It is this aspect of life that challenged her to dig very deep to find coping strategies which led to a flourishing meditation practice. She is currently working on a crowd funding campaign for the film HereNowNeverNowhere listed on the platform Indiegogo. Link