
Johanna Ramin

Co-Founder of the FairBuy Foundation

I first fell in love with fashion on the markets, multi-espacios (in-shop markets), and tiny talleres (workshops) on the cobbled streets of Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. I was intrigued by the fashion industry's ability to provide employment to willing but entirely unschooled workers, and this very local, closed-cycle fashion infrastructure in the post-crisis city.I started a fair fashion project here and got involved with several others back in Europe, but only with FairBuy I found a HIGH-IMPACT SOLUTION for the FAST FASHION market.
The elements of the idea and concept behind FairBuy come from various backgrounds (private carbon offsetting in travelling, micro donations, campaigning, and video games). It all really just fell into place and evolved and so we started FairBuy to introduce the concept of fashion (production conditions) offsetting with a campaigning aspect to the world of should-be-decision-makers, that is to the fashion consumers.

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