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Director of Partnerships at Yoti
John Abbott is Director of Partnerships at Yoti, a global technology company whose aim is to be the world’s trusted identity system. As a member of the senior management team, John is responsible for driving engagement in Yoti’s solutions and forming partnerships with businesses, governments and charities.
After starting in brand management in the early growth phase of Red Bull, John followed this with a 16-year, varied business career at leading global consultancies including Accenture and PwC.
He gained substantial experience at the highest levels of FTSE 100/250, developing and maintaining strong C-suite level relationships. Working across retail, supply chain, financial services, health, automotive, central government, educations, and technology, John has provided both strategic direction and hands-on management of complex £100m+ business transformations.
John is passionate about the role that new and advancing technology can play for businesses and the third sector. With three young children, one of which is severely disabled, John is keen to seek out and support those good technologies that both serve and protect society’s most vulnerable.
A keen cyclist, he is either cycling across London to work or off on a weekend country ride with his family.