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Global MD for LabStore, Y&R's retail & shopper marketing agency network. Decodes the present, forecasts the future. And loves to shop too.
Jon Bird is Global MD for LabStore, Y&R's worldwide retail and shopper marketing network. He is based in New York and currently oversees LabStores in 20 markets around the planet.
Prior to LabStore, Jon was a founding partner of IdeaWorks, Australia and New Zealand's leading retail marketing agency. He was also Chairman of Inside Retail, the #1 trade publication for retailers in Australasia. And he has been Director of Retail Marketing for M&C Saatchi, headquartered in Sydney.
Jon is a regular and passionate commentator on all things retail. He has written a weekly blog on retail for the past 5 years, and speaks at conferences and events all over the world on retail trends.
When not working on retail, Jon likes to be in retail - shopping stores and websites, picking up on trends and gathering new material. After all, he believes that this is the most dynamic time in history to be in the retail industry.