
Jon Geater

CTO at Trustonic, and on the Board of Directors at GlobalPlatform and chair of its Security Task Force

on Geater is Chief Technology Officer at Trustonic, the mobile security company formed by security and technology giants ARM, Gemalto and Giesecke & Devrient.

Prior to forming Trustonic he held senior technology jobs in semiconductor company ARM, French defence multinational Thales, and British IT security innovator nCipher, designing security technology for a very wide range of scales and applications: from microprocessors to Cloud datacentres, and from Internet banking to civil infrastructure.

Security is a play composed of many acts and Jon is an active supporter of security industry alliances and standards. He is a founder of the OASIS KMIKP cryptographic key management standard and is currently serving a second term on the Board of Directors of GlobalPlatform where he also chairs the Security Task Force.

Twitter Handle: @Trustonic –

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