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Jonathan Goldberg is the CEO of Global Business Solutions. He holds several qualifications, including an LLB and an MBA (cum laude). Over the past 20 years, he has been at the forefront of the changing labour law landscape, leading negotiations at plant, industry and NEDLAC levels. He has also been instrumental in assisting clients to navigate the dynamic regulatory environment. Jonathan holds several key roles including being nominated as a business representative, as Employment Conditions Commissioner, Chief Operating Officer of the Confederation of Associations in the Private Employment Sector (CAPES), member of the Employment Services Board, and as a BUSA representative at NEDLAC focusing on labour law amendments, including a-typical employment. Jonathan continues to be actively involved in various industries, leading and advising on negotiations in numerous sectors of the economy. He is the chairperson of two large South African organisations, one of which is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. A sought-after advisor, speaker and lecturer, Jonathan has conducted thousands of strategic interventions and presentations, sharing his expertise and insights.