
Jose L. Salmeron

Professor of Data Science

Prof. Jose L. Salmeron serves as Professor of Data Science and Director of the Computational Intelligence Lab at the University Pablo de Olavide at Seville, Spain, with over 20 years experience in research and teaching. Experience includes academic positions at several universities, consulting in ICT industry and a broad spectrum of collaborations with private and public organizations. Prof. Salmeron is an enthusiastic scholar and he is so interested in inter-disciplinary, intercultural and international team-building and sustained projects collaboration. Moreover, he has been actively involved (as leader and team member) in several research projects, funded from national and international organizations, including the European Union framework and the Spanish Ministry of Science. He participated in EU and professional projects, working with the development of intelligent algorithms for decision support, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and new methodologies based on soft computing, artificial intelligence techniques for complex diagnostic, decision support, and quantitative methods (including multicriteria and computational ones). He is author and co-author of more than 200 journals, conference papers and book chapters (ISI Web Science) and he has more than 2378 (nov-2017) citations from independent researchers from 20 countries (h-index=24 in Google Scholar). He is also an editoral board member of Applied Soft Computing journal and reviewer in IEEE journals and others journals and conferences related to Intelligent Systems and Expert Systems. His papers have been published in IEEE Transactions of Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Expert Systems with Applications, Communications of the ACM, Journal of Systems and Software, Computer Standards & Interfaces, Interacting with Computers, Industrial Management & Data Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Futures, Scientometrics, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, and so on. He has served on organizing and program committees of a number of conferences and workshops and he is an ACM lifetime member. He is doing research in the area of Big Data, Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technologies and Computational Intelligence. More details at:

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