
Journey Jamison

Member and trainer for Ujimaa Medics, a black health grassroots collective

At a very young age, Chicago native JOURNEY JAMISON developed a love for her community. Witnessing disparities throughout the city and suddenly losing her best friend to asthma at age ten prompted her to examine community health from a wide perspective. In March of 2016, Journey became a member and trainer for Ujimaa Medics. UMedics, a small, black grassroots health collective, trains in urban first aid. The following summer, she attended Seeds of Peace Camp in Maine, where she was able to dialogue with people from all over the world about how to approach and break down oppressive systems with mindfulness. Most recently she became an intern at Sacred Keepers Sustainability Lab, where she learns skills to help organize events that connect environment with racial injustices in the community. At the age of sixteen, Journey has already committed to bettering this world and has shared her voice and story on several platforms, including WBEZ’s Every Other Hour,, and most recently at the United States of Women Summit 2018 on the main stage of the Shrine Auditorium. As she continues to spread her light among several organizations, her driving principle—holistic health for the hood—will govern her own journey toward a peaceful and sustainable life for everyone.

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