
Julian Constable

Senior Lecturer in Public Service at Anglia Ruskin University

Julian Constable is Senior Lecturer in Public Service at Anglia Ruskin University, and started his occupational life in the Police Service. He completed his undergraduate degree at Anglia Ruskin in 1985 and went on to study for an MA in Sociology. He had a period with the Science and Technology Studies Unit under Professor Andrew Webster, carrying out many interviews for an ESRC project looking at links between universities and higher education. He then taught for many years at Cambridge Regional College, working a lot with mature students returning to education. He also had a period training teachers in further and higher education with Suffolk College.

After starting work at Anglia Ruskin, he has been focusing on initial police training for his MPhil/PhD. This fits with prior interests in teaching and learning in the post-compulsory sector of education. His research is part evaluation, part sociological research on the new Initial Police Learning and Development Programme (IPLDP). He is interested in the teaching and learning strategies and methods used by students and trainers/teachers in the police service. The research also concentrates on providing better knowledge of the kind of police officer produced by initial training. Julian teaches a variety of modules on the FdA and BA (Hons) in Public Service and the BA (Hons) Sociology at Anglia Ruskin.

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