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Chief Economist at the Green Alliance
Julian started as chief economist at the Green Alliance in April 2013. In this new role he is establishing a centre for the sustainable economy. He is leading Green Alliance's work to assess the UK’s performance in making its economy greener and generating new insights into the economics of resource stewardship and climate security.
Julian started his career in 1989 as a fast-stream entrant in the Government Economic Service, working for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. He then moved to the National Institute of Economic and Social Research in 1994, where he worked in the macro-modelling and forecasting team. In the summer of 1998, Julian moved to Frankfurt to join the newly established European Central Bank. In his time at the ECB, Julian worked in both the research and economics departments where he led work on econometric modelling and macroeconomic analysis of the euro area.
Julian holds an MA in international economics from the University of Sussex, which was awarded with distinction