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One of the founders of Movember
You could call JC one of the four lads “that launched a million Mo’s”.
You could, but you’d be factually incorrect. And JC has never abided factual inaccuracy. It brings him out in a rash.
JC was, in fact, one of four Mo-pioneers who back in 2003 with 30 Brave lads in Australia rocked out some Mo’s, the plan was to bring back the Moustache that had been relegated to the annuls of history for too long. They all claimed upper lip growth back from the icons of the past.
Since it’s embryonic, and hairy-fueled, inception, JC has been one of the instrumental crew that not only claimed the month of November, now known world-wide as Movember, for those with a penchant for follicular cultivation, but also for sculpting Movember into a globally recognized brand associated with changing the face of men’s health particularly prostate and testicular cancer as well as male depression.